Creating Teachable Moments with Grandchildren

Last Thursday, Dianne interviewed one of our contributors, Lynn Leissler. In the interview, Lynn stressed the importance of taking advantage of teachable moments with your grandkids. And Lynn made a very good point when she said that “all events, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, are teachable moments.” This is a key point to grasp if we are to be successful at impacting little hearts and minds for Christ.

Too often, we’ll try to wait for just the right moment or perfect environment to make a spiritual connection for our grandchildren. But, as many of us have discovered, these moments may never come–or at least not frequently. Sometimes, we must create them ourselves. Once we get the mindset that Lynn rightly has, we’ll start viewing any moment as a teachable moment. But how can we realistically stay in this mindset?

The first step to walking in this mindset is prayer. Every day that you are with your grandchild, ask God to show you immediately when a teachable moment is upon you. Ask Him to open your eyes to the little things around you that you can share with your grandchild and use to make a connection that will help teach her about God or somehow bring her closer to Him. I guarantee that you will be amazed at the things you start seeing and paying attention to!

Next, be ready to share. There are days when the grandkids will tire you out, make you grumpy, and get on your last nerve! Resolve to not allow such distractions to keep you from your mission of bringing your grandchildren closer to the Lord. This is why it’s so important to be intentional about your spiritual role in your grandchildren’s lives. If you live each day to purposefully impact them for Christ, you will be able to overcome the temporary challenges that get in your way of sharing those teachable moments.

Finally, purpose to make it fun! Get your grandkids involved in looking for these moments where they can relate events to God or His Word. When you’re in a situation, ask them, “What do you think God may want us to learn from this?” or “Is there anything in the Bible you can think of that relates to what just happened?” When you’re out and about with your grandchild, have him see how many things he can somehow connect with God. As he mentions them, talk about them and try to think of a relevant scripture that will help reinforce that connection.

How could this be a teachable moment?

Not only is it more fun when your grandkids are involved in seeking out these moments, but by doing so you are teaching them how to be sensitive to God and how to look for His fingerprints in the world around them.

How about you? How do you deal with teachable moments? Have you had any special ones lately that you’d like to share? We’d love to hear about them!

Please stop back this Thursday when Dianne will continue with Part 2 of her interview with Lynn.